On March 15th 2010, the Integrative Healing Forum (IHF) presented another of its free programs. Angel harp therapist and Reiki Master Brigette Bray and fellow therapist Suzanne Cook, delighted the audience with the healing and mystical sounds of the Angel Harp. At the usual time of 6:45, people started entering the Unitarian church, having snacks and co-mingling with the practitioners. At 7:00 pm all entered the sanctuary.
After an explanation of Reiki and its well known benefits, both harpists had the audience go into a peaceful place while they performed an improvisational piece for thirty minutes.
There was total and peaceful silence as the harmonious tones floated over the sanctuary. Following the demonstration the audience discussed its physical and psychological effects, with one participant experiencing seeing colors and another stating her restricted and painful neck completely subsided. An interesting night for all.
The Angel Harp works on the theory of vibrational resonances and entrainment, ie., each and every cell in the body has a particular frequency that it normally functions at, and outside similar frequencies will cause the cell to vibrate in that spectrum and spread to adjacent cells, then to muscles, tendons, organs etc. For further reading see Vibrational Medicine by Gerger. For Angel Harp music CD's, Suzanne Cook's, "Traveling the Inner Road," at Visions and Dreams and Pomegranate Books.
Bridgette is a life-long student of natural health. Her quest to understand healing has led her through many powerful and challenging life experiences. The results, to date, have taught her that achieving true healing involves not only the physical body, but the emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies, as well. Her Reiki sessions bring deep relaxation and the Angel Harp, which is played on the body, brings the angelic vibration to every cell in the body. Bridgette’s reiki and angel harp sessions provide a very restful and balancing experience.
Telephone: (910) 270-4877. Email address:
*** FUTURE MEETINGS(3rd Monday night, every other month)
May 17, 2010: Yoga, the Integration of Body Mind and Spirit Meetings are FREE and open to everybody.
Contact Information:
Roxie Morison
Telephone: (910)231-3887
*** FUTURE MEETINGS(3rd Monday night, every other month)
May 17, 2010: Yoga, the Integration of Body Mind and Spirit Meetings are FREE and open to everybody.
Contact Information:
Roxie Morison
Telephone: (910)231-3887
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